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  • How to Write a Cover Letter for Jobs in Armenia: 12-Step Guide

How to Write a Cover Letter for Jobs in Armenia: 12-Step Guide

Are you looking for work in Armenia? Are you worried about what to include in your cover letter? Worry no more! This blog post contains a step-by-step guide on how to write a cover letter that will get you the job. We provide examples of different types of cover letters and show how they can be tailored for different situations.

Cover Letter: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Armenian job application process is quite formal, so your cover letter should be too. If you are sending your resume by email or through a web portal (e.g., Stepes), the contact information of the person who will read it should go in the beginning of your cover letter. 

Discover: Part time Jobs in Armenia

Step one: Do your research

You should always do your research on the company you are applying to. This will give you a good idea of what they do and also help you tailor your cover letter appropriately. For example, if they have a website then send them an email with links to some posts that highlight their work or demonstrate why this is something relevant for them.

Step two: Keep it short

The average attention span of readers online is very small (less than three seconds), so make sure not to overwhelm them with text in your cover letter! If possible, try breaking up longer paragraphs into shorter ones or use bullet points instead. 

Step three: Embrace stereotypes

In Armenia, people's names often reflect their gender but these can change depending on what they go by. Make sure to double check this for those who you are writing the cover letter to as an incorrect name may appear rude and disrespectful.

don't be rude in your cover letter

Step four: Don't make spelling mistakes

The first impression of your application is based on how polished it looks, so avoid making any common typos such as using "to" instead of "too." 

Step five: Showcase your abilities

The most important aspect to emphasize in your cover letter is why you are the best candidate. Highlight any relevant skills or educational background that may be applicable for this position. 

Step six: Be specific about how you can help them

It's great if you have experience doing something, but it doesn't always mean that your application will get picked out of a pile by an employer unless they are looking for someone with similar qualifications. Instead, draw attention to transferable professional skills which means anything else you've learned through work/school experiences (e.g., leadership, time management) rather than what was strictly required for the job at hand. 

Step seven: Structure your letter correctly

The most common structure for a cover letter in Armenia is what we call the "letter sandwich" which consists of an intro, then your qualifications and why you are interested in this job / organisation followed by closing remarks.

Step eight: Proofread!

how to write cover letter for job in armenia

Proofreading your work will make sure that there aren't any spelling or grammar mistakes (remember how important first impressions are?). If possible get someone else to look over it too as they may pick up on things you missed. 

Step nine: Send it off! 

Once everything looks good, send the email off with confidence knowing that your application has been made as best as possible. 

Read: Armenia Cover Letter Writing Tips

Step ten: Thank them for their time. 

If they like what they read, there is a good chance that they'll get back to you soon. 

Step eleven: Reiterate how excited you are about the position in case someone else has applied too (optional). 

You can also include specific details about when would be an ideal time for further contact if it's not immediately after receiving this email. One thing I always try to do at the end of my emails is ask some form of questions which goes beyond just "thank you" so that way I have something substantial than just empty pleasantries to say.

Step twelve: Include any additional comments (optional). 

Example: I'm really excited about this opportunity and hoping that we can connect as soon as possible. If there is anything else that I could answer or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Thanks so much in advance for your help – I appreciate all the efforts you're going through on my behalf and look forward to hearing back from you very soon!

Bonus step: Include a picture (optional)

This is not necessary and should only be done if you feel like including one will help show off some part of yourself or highlight something important about your story that wouldn't come across otherwise. One great example would be if someone has been working remotely from another country before moving back home – showing this work history through pictures can provide more context.

Bottom Line

By following these steps you will get your cover letter noticed by employers and you will be one step closer to landing the job of your dreams! Sometimes it may seem like a lot of work but it's definitely worth the effort!

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